office in Interlomas

How to adapt your office in Interlomas to the needs of the new times

The so-called “new normal” has led companies to make substantial changes in the way offices are managed, the times and spaces in them. In that sense, many wonder what are the new and best practices that must be taken into account for this return, and how they can make their offices offer a safe space to all workers. We tell you how to adapt your office in Interlomas to a friendly post-pandemic scheme.

Pay special attention to cleanliness

The offices must be properly cleaned before return. That includes checking that everything works well in places that are now crucial, such as bathroom sinks and air conditioning and ventilation devices. There should also be a schedule for surface cleaning before, during, and after business hours.

Leave room for social distancing

Consider accommodating spaces so that employees don’t feel very close to each other. If they can sit wherever they want, so much the better. In that sense, think of your office at Interlomas as a place that should be open and friendly.

Limit meeting times

Although we have learned to be more efficient with the times of the meetings thanks to the online modality, it is necessary that when returning you limit the times in which everyone is in a single room. If possible, don’t bring all your teams together at once and make sure there is social distancing.

Ask your employees not to get too close together in one place

That they are aware of the times in which they use the kitchen, the dining room, the meeting rooms or the places of recreation. It is important that you remind them not to spend much time in one place to avoid crowds.

Consider maintaining a hybrid scheme

Your office at Interlomas will still be indispensable in terms of reputation, productivity, culture and other key factors, however, try to maintain a hybrid scheme in which not everyone goes to the office at once and can do home office a few days a week. Lean on Human Resources.

How your office adapts to this time will be essential for its growth and future projection. He thinks that safety should always come first and that the work culture can be enriched with all these new hygiene measures and respect for the space of others.

Take everything positive to make this transition to the new normal as bearable as possible. Consider the safety and tranquility of your employees as a priority, in this way everyone will maintain good pace and productivity without worrying.

If you are looking for offices in Interlomas that can adapt to your new needs, consider the corporate Palmas Uno. We have large office spaces in gray work to be designed according to the requirements of this new normal. In this way you can prevent and avoid crowds, that people work in small spaces, that there are no signs or adequate separations. May the change be for the better, it is in your hands Schedule an appointment!

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