offices in interlomas

Make the return to work at your offices in Interlomas calm and safe

It’s been a very challenging couple of years for entrepreneurs and business owners. Many conceptions about work had to be reconfigured throughout these months, among them, how we value work in the office and how important it is to maintain a well-kept space for the benefit of our employees. Therefore, your office in Interlomas must follow certain guidelines in this new normal.

Since it is proven that happy and confident employees are more productive, it is important that these guidelines are focused on providing physical health but also emotional and mental health. The office, more than just a workspace, has become a support network and a place for a beneficial and comprehensive life experience.

COVID-19 forced us into isolation and remote work for a long time. And although companies realized the multiple benefits in this work model, it also became very clear that people need collaborative work and the possibility of socializing from time to time to stay at the top of their performance. Therefore, hybrid and flexible work models have become the norm and the goal to achieve, and offices remain as important as ever.

So what’s the change? That workspaces should give employees opportunities for socialization, interaction, and learning, not just to meet certain work hours in order to maintain control. But for this to work, standards in health, safety and well-being must be met.

How to apply this to your office at Interlomas?

In the Palmas Uno Corporate, you can configure your own space according to your needs, which must cover health and safety measures. First of all you must assess the configuration you already have, what are the health risks that could be run in the place?, are the workspaces very close together?, is there little ventilation? Consider all this and make a list of the problems you need to fix.

The space of your office in Interlomas should be arranged in such a way that people can keep their distance, if possible you should include signs that help them not to invade the space of others. You should also check that there is adequate ventilation with windows, air conditioning or other devices to allow the air to run.

Your office in Interlomas should be designed so that the space is used effectively, where movement is not limited, that people can walk from one place to another fluently.

If your work model is hybrid and your employees will no longer go to the office all at once, then have a well-made calendar of the dates of use of the facilities. That calendar should be accessible to everyone and show what days everyone is going to go so that there are not many people in the office at the same time. It also applies to boardrooms and other recreational areas.

Finally, we recommend keeping employees always informed of the processes, times, cleaning protocols that must be followed and above all, how the office will commit to generating an environment designed around integral well-being, where they can feel happy and safe to go to work.

In Palmas Uno we deliver your office in Interlomas in gray work so that you can design it as you consider necessary based on the new safety standards required by this new work period to which we are entering.

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