office in Interlomas

Do you know how to implement the work concept in the workspace of your office in Interlomas?

Workplace culture is defined, according to Forbes, as the environment that surrounds us all the time, a collection of attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that create the regular atmosphere of where we work. That being the case, how can you establish a work culture relative to space now that you have an office at Interlomas?

Unlike other concepts related to work culture, the one that focuses on space can be a little more difficult to create because it is more abstract. It’s more about how people feel when they go to the office than it is about rules to follow, or values to implement. Think about the offices you’ve been in in your life before having your own office at Interlomas, how did it feel when you arrived, did you feel motivated to work or the opposite?

The work culture in the workspace is related to the atmosphere as much as to the personality that is given to the place. Everyone is responsible for it: from leaders to HR people and every employee. A work culture that feels oppressive will never generate the same winning results as working in an office that feels relaxed, happy, and motivating.

But, although the term is abstract, can you achieve a positive work culture in the workplace?, how to make your office in Interlomas have it? There are a few key points that can help you:

Worry about the well-being of your employees

When we talk about well-being, we mean an integral concept. You must take care not only that they are comfortable in their work environment, but also help them with their mental health or with the balance between their personal life and their work. You should also care about their health. Having employees procured helps make the work environment more pleasant because they feel valued.

A company that listens, serves and values its employees, always sees positive results in productivity. A happy workspace, where people are supported, makes them present themselves to the offices with better attitude, mentality and concentration.

Take care that there is constant communication

Being a transparent company, which communicates with employees, helps to generate an environment of respect, trust and security. You should create spaces where everyone can ask questions, connect with others, and exchange ideas. Companies that operate with this sense of collaboration and that also have a management willing to share and be open, are more productive and successful.

Create an open workspace, where all people feel free to generate constructive ideas.

Give identity to the space

If you have the opportunity, design your office as you want and give a homogeneous identity to the interiors that goes well with the message of your brand and with other visual references such as your social networks or your website. By giving it identity you will also begin to mark a certain reputation related to creativity and vision.

In Palmas Uno we can give you an office in Interlomas in gray work so that you and your team can design it as you want, with the aim of achieving that precious and efficient work culture of the space.

In conclusion, keeping morale high through care, recognition and teamwork is the first step to creating a work culture of space in your office at Interlomas. That will set the vibe and the tone to, later, be able to focus these efforts on issues such as reputation and talent attraction. Start working on transforming your office into Interlomas today.


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