Office in Interlomas

Discover how to make your office in Interlomas a positive space

A positive workspace is essential to building a work culture and improving the employee experience. More and more leaders understand the importance of focusing on these issues in order to increase productivity, and also to improve results in all company activities. Do you want to know how to create a positive workspace in your office in Interlomas? You must start by understanding the importance of their existence.

Although today, after the pandemic, most offices have a hybrid work scheme and employees no longer spend all their time in them, it is still essential to maintain a positive space that helps them be productive when they do come. The importance of employees wanting to go to the office is critical, because when they don’t feel motivated, their performance can be devastating for the company chain.

A positive workspace focuses on three important points: productivity, growth and well-being, that is, the comprehensive well-being of all those who make up the business production chain. Every employee counts. These three factors have an impact on the entire operation of the office and for them to be well cared for, a space is needed where values ​​are clear, there is a good atmosphere of trust, security and good practices.

It may not sound easy, but having this in your office in Interlomas is easier than it seems, as long as you follow certain guidelines that can help you, because the benefits are many and varied, such as:

  • There is less stress in the work environment and therefore more concentration and happiness.
  • Productivity increases by almost 13% when employees are happy: they work more, make more calls, answer more emails, generate more leads, and convert more.
  • There is not so much turnover, employees like to stay in their jobs because they feel valued, therefore the costs of resignations and recruitment are reduced.
  • There is a healthier environment, not only because of how the environment feels, but in the physical health of the employees. The rate of absenteeism is also reduced.
  • Morale is higher, employees are satisfied with the environment, benefits and their work in general.

So how do you create a positive workspace?

First of all, you must take care of your onboarding process, that is, what the experience of workers who come to work for your company for the first time is like. They must find an environment that embraces them and makes them feel part of the organization from the first moment. You can rely on onboarding experts from the human resources area. The first impression will always make the difference.

After that, the entire work experience should be kept just as bright, to achieve this you can do the following:

  • Be clear about your values ​​and those of the company, and share them with those who work with you. In addition, there must always be coherence to put them into practice.
  • Promote group activities that encourage socialization and communication, even between different areas. The idea is that everyone feels part of the same team.
  • Create programs in the form of benefits that help everyone’s well-being, for example: memberships to a nearby gym, free therapies for psychological support, flexible work schedules, etc.
  • Have a physical workspace that reflects the values ​​of the company and where it is pleasant to go. Your office in Interlomas should reflect the best of your business.
  • Keep communication channels open for everyone in order to clear up doubts, resolve concerns and always have clarity within the work team.

Are you ready to create a positive environment in your Interlomas office to improve productivity? Start implementing these guidelines and you will see the benefits soon.

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