office in Interlomas

Your office at Interlomas says everything about your business and about you, how do you get it to speak positively?

When someone mentions the offices of companies in the big leagues like Google or Facebook, how do you imagine them? In general, we always visualize them as fun and original spaces, where people work happily and motivated by the environment. Is it possible that your office in Interlomas is like this? The answer is yes, and we will give you the guide to get it.

The best offices in the world have a tactical advantage over those that have stayed in the past: they are places where everyone wants to hang out. Fun, with an exceptional design, with attractive workspaces. And if we talk about tactical advantages, it is because the offices that strive to create a good environment are the ones that have the best talent.

The work of recruiting, hiring and subsequently, retaining and productivity of that talent are easier when you have an environment in which it is pleasant to be.

However, it is not only about copying the office models that we find attractive. The truth is that the art of creating a suitable work space is a little more complex. Your office in Interlomas cannot replicate any other because your business, its collaborators and its needs are unique, as well as your clients and investors. The language spoken by one office doesn’t necessarily work the same for another.

To get your office to speak for you the way you want, the first thing you need to do is round out your work culture. It works around the values, beliefs, methodology, actions and communication of a company, business or organization. It also relates to employee experiences, their growth, and their performance.

That same work culture has to fit into the design of your offices. That is, not necessarily all companies can use vibrant colors in offices, or not all can have puff armchairs in the hall. Before deciding on a design for your offices in Interlomas, you must know very well who your company is and what it represents.

Some questions you can answer to make this integration into work culture and design are the following:

  1. What is the value that most characterizes your business?
  2. What are the things your employees should be proud of?
  3. What is the best quality of your products or services?
  4. What do you think would make your employees more productive and why?

Experts also recommend that you don’t see your space as immutable. The design must change or evolve when there is growth in your company so that that growth is noticeable to those who visit it.

Thinking about employees is essential because the experience they have both in the office and with the rest of their colleagues or managers, will also make a dent in the reputation of the company in the long term. That is why it is important to give them a safe space where they feel comfortable and motivated to grow.

Your office in Interlomas will be the place where you receive clients, or investors. The place that will talk about who you are from the design, comfort and how the atmosphere feels. It will always reflect how much you care about your employees, your growth and your culture.

In Palmas Uno you will find the ideal place to design, plan and cement your office in Interlomas just as you need it. Contact us and know our options.


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