When buying an office in Interlomas today, you should think in terms of having a social space, not just a workspace.

An office in Interlomas must respond to contemporary demands, how to achieve this?

Offices have changed a lot in recent years, not only because of the context of the pandemic, but because there are more and more CEOs and managers aware of the importance of creating spaces where employees can find balance and motivation. When buying an office in Interlomas today, you should think in terms of having a social space, not just a workspace.

To have an office at the forefront, this social space must respond to the needs of employees, who go beyond having a desk and a chair to work. Many factors depend on that social space: the attraction of talent, productivity, the retention of that same talent, the reputation and success of the work culture.

There are productivity experts who argue that social spaces are the most important thing about today’s offices. Therefore, when buying an office in Interlomas consider in your planning, first of all, a kitchen and a recreation area. The kitchen will help employees to have interaction with each other to the point of generating new ideas, why?, because it is a family space where they will feel more comfortable and more creative than in a boardroom where a certain rigidity is breathed.

For relaxation spaces and recreation areas, the key is the conscious choice of furniture and also lighting. That’s why you should find an office that has natural light in abundance, to take advantage of that valuable feature. These spaces should also serve to work in case employees want to change air and get out of their desk or cubicle.

There are offices that go a step further and also add recreational spaces where employees can take a break, play video games, play table tennis or even take a nap.

When creating your office space intended for this added value, think of it as a mix between work space and a home. A place where you can socialize but also work. And keep it apart from boardrooms and workstations where you meet with clients, investors, or wherever you need to talk about more serious issues.

In conclusion, what should you consider when giving life to your office in Interlomas with this contemporary space? Consider the following key points:

  1. Make it a collaborative space.
  2. Have a friendly and inspiring decoration.
  3. That you feel a certain air of informality that allows those who use it to feel confident.
  4. Make it multifunctional.
  5. Have access to good WiFi signal

Although almost ten years ago these spaces were a special and pleasant addition to offices, and it was surprising to come across them, they are now essential spaces that your workforce expects you to have. They are no longer an option, they are a necessity.

Maximize efficiency, productivity and a sense of belonging in your office by turning it into a cutting-edge, comfortable space where you feel genuine desire to be and belong. It can do wonders for your work culture. We want your office in Interlomas to be a great space to work Meet Palmas Uno!

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